journal article
LitStream Collection
Skill Requirements of Seniorlevel Logisticians Practitioner Perspectives
Murphy, Paul R.; Poist, Richard F.
1991 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management
doi: 10.1108/09600039110004025
With logistics increasingly adopting a strategic orientation inmany firms, seniorlevel logisticians must possess certain skills inorder to successfully manage the logistics function. This article arguesthat the contemporary seniorlevel logistics manager needs to beproficient in three categories namely business, logistics andmanagement skills. The purpose of this research is to report the resultsof a survey of US logistics managers designed to assess the importanceof business, logistics, and management skills. Management skills emergedas the most important of the three, followed by logistics and businessskills. These findings suggest that contemporary seniorlevel logisticsexecutives must be managers first and logisticians second. In addition,the emphasis on management skills suggests that highranking logisticsexecutives may have the opportunity of rising to top managementpositions such as the Chief Executive Officer a career pathunheard of two decades ago.