Packaging as a Retail Marketing ToolSara, Rod
1990 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management
doi: 10.1108/EUM0000000000372
Packaging is a vital tool in the marketing mix, too oftenignored by companies, but twice as much is annuallyspent on this as on abovetheline advertising andpromotions. Packaging has two functions to protectand contain the product and as an interface to sellthe product to the enduser. Product branding onpackaging also represents the company distributingthe product. Good packaging requires research oftarget markets, retail environment and externalenvironment including social change and technologicaldevelopments. Consumers buy by image andperception of value. Packaging colour and the way itcan affect sales by consumers subconscious colourassociations are examined. Major packaging suppliersmonitor consumer trends and technological advancements,aware that packaging is the silent salesman.
New Zealands Paperboard Packaging IndustrySara, Rod
1990 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management
doi: 10.1108/EUM0000000000373
Paperboard packaging is regarded as a most ecologicallysound and environmentally friendly packaging option,with benefits in product protection, waste and disposalproperties and easy recyclability. New Zealand has apaperboard packaging industry, small by internationalstandards, manufacturing 245,000 tonnes of packagingannually. Over 100,000 tonnes of recycled fibre 25 percent of all paper and paperboard consumed in NewZealand is recovered for recycling are included inpackaging boards for a variety of uses. New Zealandsforest management is worldrenowned the pulp andpaper industry sources its virgin fibre requirementsfrom plantation pine forests. The countrys major manufacturerof pulp and paperboard has developed a newpulpbleaching technique which avoids chlorine use. Itis also 50 per cent selfsufficient in energy generation.Packaging manufacturers are urged to avoid overpackagingand take responsibility to ensure environmentalfriendlinessby suppliers of inks and coatings.