
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Emerald Publishing
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JIT Issues and Items for the Research Agenda

Oliver, Nick

1990 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/EUM0000000000367

This article reviews some of the key debates inthe area of justintime operation andimplementation, and identifies 13 research issues.These issues include information systems forJIT organisational structures performancemeasurement the management of the supplymanufacturercustomerchain location policypurchasing and distribution strategy and the socialimplications of JIT.
journal article
LitStream Collection
JustinTime Concepts Applicability to LogisticsTransportation

Daugherty, Patricia J.; Spencer, Michael S.

1990 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/EUM0000000000368

Successful manufacturing applications of the JustintimeJIT management philosophy have beenwell documented in the literature. Utilisation ofJIT techniques within manufacturing offers thepotential for significant operational improvementsbeyond inventory reduction. JITrelatedimprovements include increases in quality,improved employee productivity, decreases instockouts, and reductions in customer responsetime. Relatively little research has focused on thetransferability of JIT concepts to other functionalareas. The article explores the application of JITconcepts to a specific logistics function transportation.Although review of the literaturesuggests that JIT systems significantly impact onthe transportation function, no methodology wasidentified for incorporating the justintimephilosophy within a transportation firm in a totallyintegrated manner. Therefore, two models areproposed illustrating the authors conceptualisationof the phased development andimplementation of JIT.
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LitStream Collection
Segmentation of Markets Based on Customer Service

Sharma, Arun; Lambert, Douglas M.

1990 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/EUM0000000000369

Customer service represents a significantopportunity for segmenting markets. This articlereviews the importance of customer service andthe conceptual issues associated with segmentingindustrial markets on the basis of customerservice. A methodology is presented which canbe used by managers to classify a market intosegments with different customer service needs.Empirical results from a hightechnology industryare also presented. The article emphasises theneed to recognise the differing customer servicerequirements of segments of customers whenestablishing priorities for customer serviceexpenditures.
journal article
LitStream Collection
Psychic Stock An Independent Variable Category of Inventory

Larson, Paul D.; DeMarais, Robert A.

1990 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/EUM0000000000370

The supplyside or demandservicing functions ofinventory are wellknown in the inventory,logistics, and retailing literature. However, thisliterature has yet to develop the demandstimulatingfunction of inventory. This articleintroduces the concept of psychic stock, definedas retail display inventory for stimulating demand.Psychic stock is a minimum inventory level, whichis modelled by a partitioning of psychic, cycle, andsafety stock.
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