
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Emerald Publishing
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Customer Services Offthepeg or Tailormade

Marr, Norman E.

1990 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/EUM0000000000353

The term, customer service, covers all aspectsof the transaction between the supplier and thecustomer, and includes elements of all majorfunctional areas of a company. Customer serviceis detailed and customer priorities are identifiedwith regard to seven types of retail outlets. It isconcluded that the design of the best customerservice package, whether for a particular marketsector, country or product, deserves as much careas the marketing of the product itself.
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Containers on the Ground A New Zealand Revolution

Baker, Doug

1990 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/EUM0000000000355

Containers are the universally accepted means ofmoving goods from country to country, andincreasingly within the same country. The use ofselfloading semitrailers for handling containersin New Zealand is described. The benefits of theiruse and some of the possible problems in theUnited Kingdom are outlined.
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Management by Holistics A Business Resource Management Approach

Ericsson, Dag

1990 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/EUM0000000000357

The management philosophy of Management byHolistics MbH is addressed, where attention ispaid to achieve a balance between four vitalresources human, capital, materials andinformation. The approach focuses on the fact thatthe whole is greater than the sum of the partsand is based on the conviction that everyone inan organisation needs clearcut goals. A modelfor the implementation of this managementapproach is defined with reference to Swedishindustry.
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Coping with an Increasingly International Business Environment

Gazeley, Brian S.

1990 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/EUM0000000000359

The changes required in the policies oforganisations to cope with the challenges of the1990s are discussed managers not only asmanagers per se but also as entrepreneurs, theincreasing competitive muscle of the Japanese, thereevaluation of strategies, the increase ininternational economic interdependence, therevolution in information technology. Adaptationto change, it is argued, must be readilyimplemented without any qualms, if stakeholdersare to be appeased.
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