
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Emerald Publishing
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Logistics Thought and Practice A Perspective

Stock, James R.

1990 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/09600039010140845

As business approaches the next century,numerous challenges and opportunities will befaced by logistics practitioners and academicians.New and expanded perpectives, coupled with thetraditional concepts, will have to be blended. Oneperspective, and certainly not the only one, ispresented. It is argued that people in logistics havegenerally taken a limited view of the discipline.If the area is to achieve the level of importanceprophesised for it, academicians and practitionerswill have to take a much broader and pervasiveview of what logistics is and what it could become.Some questions are posed to those involved inthe logistics process.
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Decisionmaking Support for Strategic Purchasing

Cohn, Ruth; Tayi, Giri Kumar

1990 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/09600039010006529

With the globalisation of markets, firms arecontinuously searching for ways to remaincompetitive. In such an environment thepurchasing and management of raw materials,supplies, parts, etc., has emerged as a critical areafor a firm to achieve its strategic goals. Purchasingcontrols typically onequarter to onethird of theexpenses incurred by the firm in manufacturingits products. The objective of the article is toidentify and illustrate how different computerbaseddecision support toolstechniques could beapplied to various purchasing decisions. Throughindepth applications the potential improvementsin managerial effectiveness, increased userinvolvement, and ease in problem solving arehighlighted.
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LitStream Collection
A Customerbased Competitive Analysis for Logistics Decisions

Lambert, Douglas M.; Sharma, Arun

1990 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/EUM0000000000350

Evidence suggests that the recent interest incompetitive strategy and competitive positioning,while good in itself, has resulted in themanagement of many firms placing too muchemphasis on competitive performance and toolittle emphasis on customer expectations. Thisresearch in the chemical industry provides supportfor the conclusion that management needs torefocus on the customer if US companies aregoing to succeed in the increasingly competitivemarketplace. A methodology is presented that canbe used by management to collect and analysecustomerbased competitive data for use inestablishing priorities for customer serviceexpenditures.
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LitStream Collection
Dedicated Contract Distribution An Assessment of the UK Marketplace

Cooper, James; Johnstone, Malcolm

1990 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/09600039010006637

The article reports the findings of research carriedout by the authors into dedicated contractdistribution DCD, a service which is tailormadeto the requirements of users. Majorcharacteristics of the DCD marketplace in the UKare identified and future prospects for growth arecommented on, particularly outside the UK. Asfreight deregulation is recognised as a prerequisitefor the development of specialist services suchas DCD, development potential seems particularlypromising in both the US and parts of mainlandEurope.
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