
Records Management Journal

Emerald Publishing
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journal article
LitStream Collection
Concepts and principles for the management of electronic records, or records management theory is archival diplomatics

Luciana Duranti

1999 Records Management Journal

doi: 10.1108/EUM0000000007248

The greatest challenges with which digital systems present us are the creation and maintenance of reliable records and the preservation of their authenticity over time. It is vital for every organisation that its records be able to stand for the facts they are about i.e. that their content is trustworthy. To meet these challenges the international community of records professionals must develop appropriate strategies, procedures and standards. In this article the author explores the concepts and principles derived from archival diplomatics that should guide the management of electronic records and therefore these developments, as well as drawing conclusions about the nature of the research work required
journal article
LitStream Collection
Towards a framework for standardising recordkeeping metadata: the Australian recordkeeping metadata schema

Sue McKemmish; Glenda Acland; Barbara Reed

1999 Records Management Journal

doi: 10.1108/EUM0000000007249

In July 1999 the Australian Recordkeeping Metadata Schema (RKMS) was approved by its academic and industry steering group. The RKMS has inherited elements from and built on many other metadata standards associated with information management. It has also contributed to the development of subsequent sector specific recordkeeping metadata sets. The importance of the RKMS as a framework for mapping or reading other sets, and also as a standardised set of metadata available for adoption in diverse implementation environments, is now emerging. This paper explores the context of the Australian SPIRT1 Recordkeeping Metadata Project, and the conceptual models developed by the SPIRT Research Team as a framework for standardising and defining recordkeeping metadata. It then introduces the elements of the SPIRT Recordkeeping Metadata Schema and explores its functionality, before discussing implementation issues and future directions
journal article
LitStream Collection
Records management research in Finland

Marjo Rita Valtonen

1999 Records Management Journal

doi: 10.1108/EUM0000000007250

Records management is just beginning to emerge as a professional discipline in Finland where it only became possible in 1997 for the first time to study records management in an academic institution. Since it is at such an early stage in its development it is not surprising that records management research has not yet been established. In this article the author explains the first steps towards developing records management research in Finland by looking, in particular, at the plans in the University of Tampere.
journal article
LitStream Collection
Assessing research in the United Kingdom: the Research Assessment Exercise 2001

Judith Elkin

1999 Records Management Journal

doi: 10.1108/EUM0000000007251

In the United Kingdom the quality of research in Higher Education Institutions is assessed on a regular basis via the Research Assessment Exercises. The outcome determines the allocation of grants for research in the following period of assessment. They are very important and, for the first time, records management is explicitly identified in the scope of the Library and Information Management Panel‘s subject area for the next exercise. In this article the chair of that panel reflects on the exercises to date, the policies to be adopted in 2001 and a brief discussion of the Library and Information Panel (Unit of Assessment 61).
journal article
LitStream Collection
Developing a research profile: a case study from the United Kingdom

Catherine Hare; Julie McLeod

1999 Records Management Journal

doi: 10.1108/EUM0000000007252

Records management was identified as an emerging research theme in the last Research Assessment Exercise return from the School of Information Studies, University of Northumbria at Newcastle. This article examines how, since then, the School has approached developing its research profile in records management and highlights issues applicable to other researchers in the subject area within the UK. The School’s medium to long term strategy for records management research is presented
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