
Health Manpower Management

Emerald Publishing
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journal article
LitStream Collection
A step into the unknown? The new education and training contracting arrangements

J. Edmonstone

1995 Health Manpower Management

doi: 10.1108/09552069510102393pmid: 10153232

The next few years are likely to see the introduction of an educational contracting regime for professional education in the UK between the NHS and the higher and further education sectors. It will involve all employers of health care staff – the NHS, private and voluntary sectors, GP fundholders and local authorities. Outlines these changes and identifies some of the likely problem areas with the new arrangements. Seven key areas are explored – workforce planning, membership of the new consortia, the NHS Executive/regional office role, timescales, finance, the scope for innovation and the operation of the new system.
journal article
LitStream Collection
A missing link? Workforce demand as the link between two health care related markets

Stephanie C. Stanwick; John Humphreys

1995 Health Manpower Management

doi: 10.1108/09552069510102401pmid: 10153233

Examines the links between workforce demand and two health care related markets, the first being the internal market between purchasers and providers of health care, and the second the market for education expressed between colleges of education as providers and NHS Trusts as purchasers of the courses. Workforce demand has to take account of the numbers of people on courses, but also specialist skills required to enable NHS Trusts to deliver changing health care needs of the future.
journal article
LitStream Collection
Correlates of hospital leadership team effectiveness: results of a national survey of board chairmen

Peter A. Weil

1995 Health Manpower Management

doi: 10.1108/09552069510102429pmid: 10153230

To examine hospital leadership team effectiveness, analyses the responses of 540 randomly sampled board chairmen of US hospitals. Reports findings regarding board chairmen′s evaluation of their hospitals′ productive outputs and of the adequacy of their communications with the CEO and medical staff president (MSP) in their hospitals. Notes that over one‐quarter of board chairmen found communications with the MSP to be only sometimes productive and notes means whereby positive communications are promoted. Offers suggestions for board chairman recruitment.
journal article
LitStream Collection
Some personal reflections on job sharing

Sandra Meadows; Peter Rankin

1995 Health Manpower Management

doi: 10.1108/09552069510102447

Based on personal observation, discusses personal reflections on job sharing – the application process, scope, and successes during the first year. Notes benefits both for the job sharers and their employers and indicates areas which the authors feel still need to be addressed. Gives some suggestions for those considering job sharing.
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