journal article
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Hommel, Wolfgang; Grabatin, Michael; Metzger, Stefan; Pöhn, Daniela
2017 PIK - Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation
Abstract Accessing remote IT services through identity federations (IFs) is based on solid technical protocols such as the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) and OpenID Connect. However, reliable delegated user authentication and authorization also pose organizational challenges regarding the quality management of user data. Level of Assurance (LoA) concepts have been adapted and applied to IFs, but their inhomogeneous proliferation bears the risk of aggravating instead of simplifying the manual work steps. This is increased by the providing IT services for multiple or dynamically set up IFs. This article presents a novel LoA management approach that has been designed for a high degree of automation, adopts the approach for the dynamic metadata exchange by GÉANT-TrustBroker and exemplifies its usage.
Wüst, Sebastian; Schwerdel, Dennis; Müller, Paul
2017 PIK - Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation
Abstract As a newer concept, in comparison to hypervisor technologies, container-based virtualization is a rather lightweight virtualization concept. By not emulating any hardware it has a much lower overhead with good isolation. The basic idea is to generate isolated containers which use the same kernel as the host system, instead of individual ones per virtual machine. Hence the virtualized applications or systems have to be compatible to the same kernel. Networking testbeds like ToMaTo can benefit from such technology, since it allows to run many virtual machines in parallel. In this paper, three representatives of Linux container-based virtualization technologies will be presented: OpenVZ, Linux-VServer and LXC. The main features and concepts of each technology will be discussed, followed by a comparison about performance, security, virtualization system integration and client software. At the end their value for ToMaTo will be rated.
2017 PIK - Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation
Abstract In diesem Artikel wird ein vom IT Center der RWTH Aachen University entwickeltes und in der Praxis bewährtes Reporting-Tool vorgestellt, welches das IT Center in seinem IT-Controlling nachhaltig unterstützt und zur Gewährleistung und Steigerung der Qualität seiner angebotenen Dienste beiträgt. Wir bedienen uns dabei gängigen Methoden aus dem IT Service Management und zeigen auf, wie wir diese für unsere Zwecke anwenden. Neben der technischen Umsetzung gehen wir noch auf das Thema Kennzahlen und kennzahlenbasiertes Reporting aus theoretischer Sicht ein und stellen die damit verbundenen Herausforderungen dar.
Müller, Paul; Schwerdel, Dennis
2017 PIK - Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation
Abstract Although testbeds and experimental facilities are accepted as tools for research in the scope of distributed systems research, such as Future Internet Research, they lack sustainability; once established as a project, they must be maintained and renewed every few years. However, unfortunately, due to an absence of long-term funding for operating/maintenance and reinvestment, a lot of these are terminated just after the project is complete. In this paper, we describe a software-defined testbed on demand; this is based on the Topology Management Tool (ToMaTo), a software environment which was developed within the G-Lab project. ToMaTo, initially designed to run on the G-Lab infrastructure, is now independent of the underlying infrastructure and can be deployed on any Cloud infrastructure on demand. We describe here the deployment of ToMaTo to the CloudLab infrastructure offered by the NSF-funded CloudLab project. This approach offers a new method for sustainable testbeds where neither upfront investment nor the recurring and operating/maintenance costs for the infrastructure will burden the budgets of the projects.
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