Gas-dynamic problems in off-design operation of supersonic inlets ( review )Zvegintsev, V. I.
2017 Thermophysics and Aeromechanics
doi: 10.1134/S0869864317060014
Abstract Modern concepts of operation of supersonic inlets of high-velocity air-breathing engines are analyzed. It is demonstrated that the flow in the engine duct becomes extremely complicated in off-design modes of inlet operation, which can lead to unpredictable consequences, in particular, to inlet unstart. The term “inlet unstart” is considered in the present paper as a synonym of the absence of theoretical understanding and prediction of gas-dynamic phenomena. Various approaches are proposed to ensure self-regulation of the inlet-combustor system for air-breathing engines. Possible directions of further research are indicated for the purpose of stable operation of inlets in a wide range of flight conditions.
Development of a coupled NS-DSMC method for the simulation of plume impingement effects of space thrustersYang, Z.;Tang, Z.-Y.;Cai, G.-B.;He, B.-J.
2017 Thermophysics and Aeromechanics
doi: 10.1134/S0869864317060026
Abstract A coupled NS-DSMC method possessing adapted-interface and two-way coupling features is studied to simulate the plume impingement effects of space thrusters. The continuum-rarefied interface is determined by combining KnGL and Ptne continuum breakdown parameters. State-based coupling scheme is adopted to transfer information between continuum and particle solvers, and an overlapping grid technique is investigated to combine structured-grid NS code and Cartesian-grid DSMC code to form the coupled solver. Flow problem of a conical thruster plume impinging on a cone surface is simulated using the coupled solver, and the simulation result is compared with experimental data, which proves the validity of the proposed method. Plume flow while the ascent stage of lunar module lifting off in lunar environment is also computed by using the present coupled NS-DSMC method to demonstrate its capability. The whole flow field from combustion chamber to the vacuum environment is obtained, and the result reveals that special attention should be paid to the plume aerodynamic force at the early stage of launching process.
On stability of channel flow of thermoviscous fluidKulikov, Y. M.;Son, E. E.
2017 Thermophysics and Aeromechanics
doi: 10.1134/S0869864317060075
Abstract The paper presents key results on a large-scale entrainment of thermoviscous liquid layers with different temperatures and their further mixing observed in the plane-parallel flow with an inflectional velocity profile. We show that the instability development in the channel is more intensive at the inflection point vicinity and is not related directly to vorticity generation in the near-wall region. The considered flow being unstable relative to the finite-amplitude harmonic disturbances possesses several resonant frequencies initiating the most intense entrainment. Temperature fields are analyzed based on the time-averaged entrainment layer thickness and temperature isoline displacement. We discuss the spectral properties of flow enstrophy, vorticity, and kinetic energy in terms of asymptotics of cascades observed and coherent structures. Okubo-Weiss criterion is used for mapping of four flow zones wherein an active filamentation of the turbulent veil or long-term existence of vortex structures is possible.
The development and investigation of a strongly non-equilibrium model of heat transfer in fluid with allowance for the spatial and temporal non-locality and energy dissipationKudinov, V. A.;Eremin, A. V.;Kudinov, I. V.
2017 Thermophysics and Aeromechanics
doi: 10.1134/S0869864317060087
Abstract The differential equation of heat transfer with allowance for energy dissipation and spatial and temporal nonlocality has been derived by the relaxation of heat flux and temperature gradient in the Fourier law formula for the heat flux at the use of the heat balance equation. An investigation of the numerical solution of the heat-transfer problem at a laminar fluid flow in a plane duct has shown the impossibility of an instantaneous acceptance of the boundary condition of the first kind — the process of its settling at small values of relaxation coefficients takes a finite time interval the duration of which is determined by the thermophysical and relaxation properties of the fluid. At large values of relaxation coefficients, the use of the boundary condition of the first kind is possible only at Fo → ∞. The friction heat consideration leads to the alteration of temperature profiles, which is due to the rise of the intervals of elevated temperatures in the zone of the maximal velocity gradients. With increasing relaxation coefficients, the smoothing of temperature profiles occurs, and at their certain high values, the fluid cooling occurs at a gradientless temperature variation along the transverse spatial variable and, consequently, the temperature proves to be dependent only on time and on longitudinal coordinate.