
Library Hi Tech

Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Emerald Publishing
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LitStream Collection
Competitive Procurement of Integrated Library Systems

Reader, Evan A.

1989 Library Hi Tech

doi: 10.1108/eb047753

The California Slate University CSU successfully procured integrated library systems for five of its nineteen campuses during the fiscal year ending June 1988. The procurements demonstrated that competitive bidding not only is highly effective in reducing the overall cost of library systems, but also allows the buyer to achieve favorable contract provisions that would be difficult if not impossible to obtain in a noncompetitive environment.
journal article
LitStream Collection
Selecting a Relational Database Management System for Library Automation Systems

Shekhel, Alex; O'Brien, Mike

1989 Library Hi Tech

doi: 10.1108/eb047754

As the heart of a computer system's software, the database management system is the key to the maintenance of data and effective management reporting. Since it is involved in virtually every transaction, it is also critical to robust system performance. CLSI, Inc. recently evaluated five relational database management systems, selecting Ingres, Version 6.0, around which to develop its next generation of functionality. The criteria for selecting Ingres, Version 6.0, are discussed.
journal article
LitStream Collection
Uninterruptible Power Supplies

Price, Bennett J.

1989 Library Hi Tech

doi: 10.1108/eb047755

Uninterruptible Power Supply UPS systems are typically designed to provide power to computers for five to thirty minutes after all utility company power has failed. In addition to providing blackout and brownout protection, many UPS systems also protect against spikes, surges, sags, and noise, and some also offer many of the features found in power distribution units PDUs. The major components or subsystems of a typical UPS system are detailed, and a sample bid specification is appended. Three sidebars discuss UPSs and air conditioning, the maintenance bypass switch MBS, and literature for further reading.
journal article
LitStream Collection
The Small Library and FundRaising for Automation

Burlingame, Dwight F.

1989 Library Hi Tech

doi: 10.1108/eb047756

Small libraries can take advantage of alternative funding sources to address their automation needs and thus make available to their patrons the advantages of an information rich society. However, careful planning, research to identify receptive funding sources, and consistent, confident, knowledgeable communication of needs and objectives are requisite to the successful solicitation of funds. Burlingame, a university vicepresident who is responsible for fundraising at his institution, provides advice on the principles of successful fundraising. A sidebar discusses the Foundation Center.
journal article
LitStream Collection
From Telecommunications to Networking The MELVYL Online Union Catalog and the Development of Intercampus Networks at the University of California

Lynch, Clifford A.

1989 Library Hi Tech

doi: 10.1108/eb047757

Over the past eight years, the MELVYL catalog has become one of the largest public access catalogs in the world, and now plays a central role in providing access to the library resources of the University of California. Currently, under heavy load, the MELVYL catalog supports many hundreds of simultaneous terminal connections, servicing over a quarter of a million queries a week and displaying more than two million records a week to its user community. This article discusses the history of the network that has supported the MELVYL catalog from the early days of its prototype to the present. It also describes both the current technical and policy issues that must be addressed as the network moves into the 1990s, and the roles that the network is coming to play in integrating local automation, the union catalog, access to resource databases, and other initiatives. Sidebars discuss the TCPIP protocol suite, internet protocol gateways, and Telenet and related interoperability problems.
journal article
LitStream Collection
The Statewide Automation Planning Process in New York

Smith, Frederick E.; Messmer, George E.J.

1989 Library Hi Tech

doi: 10.1108/eb047758

The New York Stale Library and the library systems in New York State have a longstanding commitment to the use of technology to improve services, increase efficiency, and constrain cost increases. In 1986, the Board of Regents of the State Education Department adopted a threepart program for automation. Pursuant to this program, several important committees have been appointed that have subsequently issued key recommendations. This article addresses the formation and role of the committees and their recommendations covering general issues, databases, linking, training and consulting, and operational objectives.
journal article
LitStream Collection
The Trailing Edge Gurus, Guides, and Ghosts

Crawford, Walt

1989 Library Hi Tech

doi: 10.1108/eb047759

Microcomputer consultants can help a library install and use a complex software package but different styles of consulting will have different results. The first section of this column discusses two common styles of consulting, when each might be appropriate, and the dangers of using one type of consultant. The second focus of this column is the ghost of software or hardware future, vaporware, and the debilitating effect that vaporware has on users and vendors alike. Vaporware damages the library automation field as well, although perhaps not quite as much as it damages the microcomputer software field. This quarter's literature watch includes several printer reviews, reviews of improved project management software and a raft of personal information management software, several reviews of portable computers, and the remarkable suggestion that every computer user needs a 6,00012,000 computer
journal article
LitStream Collection
Developing Managerial Competence for Library Automation

Miller, William; Rowe, Richard R.; Gosier, L. James; Luce, Richard E.; Nielsen, Brian; Dougherty, Richard M.

1989 Library Hi Tech

doi: 10.1108/eb047760

While there exists a small and perhaps growing cadre of mature library managers skilled in automation, not enough new MLS holders are being educated to support and extend the potential of automation within libraries. The result in too many libraries is the hiring of a nonlibrarian to cope with the myriad technical details involved with setting up equipment and interacting with academic and administrative computing, county governments, and business office operations, with the hope that in time this person somehow will become one of us. However, something will be lost in future interactions if the librarianmanagers themselves do not know enough to participate knowledgeably in such interactions. Developing new educational initiatives is an important challenge facing those who wish to improve our managerial competence in the automation area.
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