Selecting a Relational Database Management System for Library Automation SystemsShekhel, Alex; O'Brien, Mike
1989 Library Hi Tech
doi: 10.1108/eb047754
As the heart of a computer system's software, the database management system is the key to the maintenance of data and effective management reporting. Since it is involved in virtually every transaction, it is also critical to robust system performance. CLSI, Inc. recently evaluated five relational database management systems, selecting Ingres, Version 6.0, around which to develop its next generation of functionality. The criteria for selecting Ingres, Version 6.0, are discussed.
The Statewide Automation Planning Process in New YorkSmith, Frederick E.; Messmer, George E.J.
1989 Library Hi Tech
doi: 10.1108/eb047758
The New York Stale Library and the library systems in New York State have a longstanding commitment to the use of technology to improve services, increase efficiency, and constrain cost increases. In 1986, the Board of Regents of the State Education Department adopted a threepart program for automation. Pursuant to this program, several important committees have been appointed that have subsequently issued key recommendations. This article addresses the formation and role of the committees and their recommendations covering general issues, databases, linking, training and consulting, and operational objectives.
Developing Managerial Competence for Library AutomationMiller, William; Rowe, Richard R.; Gosier, L. James; Luce, Richard E.; Nielsen, Brian; Dougherty, Richard M.
1989 Library Hi Tech
doi: 10.1108/eb047760
While there exists a small and perhaps growing cadre of mature library managers skilled in automation, not enough new MLS holders are being educated to support and extend the potential of automation within libraries. The result in too many libraries is the hiring of a nonlibrarian to cope with the myriad technical details involved with setting up equipment and interacting with academic and administrative computing, county governments, and business office operations, with the hope that in time this person somehow will become one of us. However, something will be lost in future interactions if the librarianmanagers themselves do not know enough to participate knowledgeably in such interactions. Developing new educational initiatives is an important challenge facing those who wish to improve our managerial competence in the automation area.