SHORT TAKES1999 Journal of Business Strategy
doi: 10.1108/eb040031
Garden variety merit increases are stagnating, but there's a lot of movement in alternative reward strategies. That's what New Yorkbased Buck Consultants found in its tenth annual Compensation Budget Survey of Fortune 1000 Companies.
CLIPPINGS1999 Journal of Business Strategy
doi: 10.1108/eb040032
All leaders must spend hours identifying, refining, practicing, and internalizing the key messages they seek to convey to customers, employees, investors, dealers, and suppliers. Hollywood producers have it right if you can't get your message across in a couple of compelling sentences, either you don't have a marketable story line or you haven't discovered it yet. Because it takes time and effort to learn what it is that one really thinks, more than one leader has to go back to the drawing board for remedial work.
Competitive IntelligenceNolan, John A.
1999 Journal of Business Strategy
doi: 10.1108/eb040035
Executives at a major pharmaceutical company learn that one of their primary competitors is about to introduce a new product that will directly challenge their leading overthecounter pain reliever. They learn that the rival will launch the product in two months with a major media blitz that will emphasize savings of a dollar a bottle off the leader's price, with the same ability to reduce pain.