

Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Emerald Publishing
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journal article
LitStream Collection
Offices What Have They Got to Do with Telecommuting

Broderick, W.R.

1991 Facilities

doi: 10.1108/EUM0000000002147

Telecommuting is focused on after a recent survey found that 1016per cent of the workforce will telecommute by 1995. The implications ofthis trend are described fewer people travelling to work in largercities the development of a communications infrastructure to lessdensely populated areas the changes in office design and work groups,and the effect on security.
journal article
LitStream Collection
Agenda for Education

Nutt, Bev

1991 Facilities

doi: 10.1108/02632779110136796

The focus of attention of the design and construction professionshas in the past been concentrated on new building design anddevelopment, and little attention has been given to the use andmaintenance of buildings over time. An agenda for facilities educationto address this problem is set out. A postgraduate facilities educationprogramme, to be set up in the next two or three years, will have acurriculum which covers five areas physical characteristics of buildingstock human issues of building occupancy financial issues ofdevelopment and use locational issues and management issues which cut across the traditional boundaries of theproperty professions.
journal article
LitStream Collection
Managing the Office Environment Getting It Right

Carver, Michael

1991 Facilities

doi: 10.1108/02632779110006079

Many facilities managers are expected to contribute to keydecisions regarding building maintenance without having any backgroundknowledge of engineering services. The contents of two courses whichaddress this need are described. The courses are designed to create anawareness of the value of good engineering and to give some insight intosome of the more important concepts in building engineering.
journal article
LitStream Collection
Managers and the Time They Spend on Office Tasks

1991 Facilities

doi: 10.1108/eb006524

A study of the average occupancy of office space in a multinational company has shown that up to 40 per cent of desks in open plan areas and up to 20 per cent of desks in enclosed offices are not in use at all during core office hours. In many offices, space spacings of up to 30 per cent can be made in work station areas by paying more careful attention to what people are doing and where they are, and making design changes to accommodate the patterns of use.
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