Practitioners Corner Forth, Eric
1991 International Journal of Manpower
doi: 10.1108/01437729110142378
The article discusses fundamental changes in theUK labour market opportunities the Governmentis helping to create for individuals to play a greaterpart in their own development Training andEducation Councils, Training Credits, CareerDevelopment Loans, National Vocational Qualificationsthe role of employers in training and thesteps Government is taking to raise training higheron the business agenda National Training Awards,the Investors in People standard.
Employment and Unemployment in TurkeyKoray, Meryem
1991 International Journal of Manpower
doi: 10.1108/01437729110004957
In Turkey, there has been a large increase in theactive working population, but a very modest risein the demand for labour. As a result, labourforceparticipation rates have constantly decreased duringthe last decades and work in the informal sectorhas grown. Problems such as underemployment,an unqualified young population and the growth ofthe informal sector certainly exist, but theirsolution seems a long way off due to internal andexternal economic conditions. Even though moreactive employment policies are urgently needed inthe country, they are left off the agenda. However,realistic solutions can only be achieved in Turkey,and indeed worldwide, by radical changes ineconomic and social understanding which may bringabout global rationalisation.
Hispanics and the Local Labour Market Earnings of BlacksBellante, Don; Kogut, Carl A.; Moncarz, Raul
1991 International Journal of Manpower
doi: 10.1108/01437729110135303
The effect of the relative supply of Hispanics onthe relative earnings of Blacks in US labourmarkets is examined. The data source for theempirical estimates is the March 1988 CurrentPopulation Survey. The results support one of thekey features of the Becker model of discrimination,namely, that the extent of discrimination is affectedby relative supply. Results also indicated that anincrease in the number of Hispanics in a locallabour market will reduce the income of otherwisecomparable Blacks. However, if the Black laboursupply in a local labour market is sufficiently large,a given percentage increase in the relative supplyof Blacks will have a more negative impact onaverage Black earnings than would the samepercentage increase in the number of Hispanics.
Career Choices of Older GraduatesGraham, Barbara
1991 International Journal of Manpower
doi: 10.1108/01437729110138913
Mature graduates reasons for choosing degreecourses and subsequent careers are examined,focusing on their destinations after graduation. Thestudy is based on replies from 1,345 oldergraduates who completed fulltime degree coursesin 1987 and 1989. The findings show that the primemotivator for choosing courses was interest inacademic subjects, while the most importantconsideration in choosing a career was jobsatisfaction. Mature graduates are more inclinedthan younger colleagues to pursue postgraduatestudy and public sector employment. The majorityof the respondents were satisfied with careerprogress to date and optimistic about futureprospects. They indicated that they felt religiousand voluntary organisations, education authoritiesand local government were more favourablydisposed towards older candidates, while they gavepublic utilities, the media, financial and commercialorganisations a low rating. Their recommendationsincluded the abolition of age limits, specific mentionof mature graduates in brochures, application formsamended to suit their needs and better selectioninterview training for interviewers.