journal article
LitStream Collection
The Challenge to Workplace Unionism in the Royal Mail
1993 Employee Relations: An International Journal
doi: 10.1108/01425459310048518
While remaining in the public sector, the British Post Office hasundergone massive changes in terms of its general orientation andstructure over the last decade, with major implications for workplacemanagementlabour relations and shopfloor trade union organization. Themost recent phase of restructuring within the core Royal Mail section ofthe Post Office has been accompanied by an assertive managerial strategyaimed at tackling the strong workplace union levels of control andautonomy that have developed in many citybased sorting offices.Provides evidence from empirical case study research into one of thelargest and most unionmilitant Royal Mail sorting offices in thecountry based in central Liverpool. After outlining the strengths andweaknesses of workplace unionism during the mid1980s to the late 1980s,focuses on how the Liverpool UCW leadership have attempted to respond toRoyal Mails 1992 restructuring initiative and HRM practices. Suggeststhat, notwithstanding new and complex dilemmas, workplace unionismwithin the Royal Mail remains relatively resilient.