Human Resource Management in DenmarkBvort, Frans; Storm Pedersen, John; Sundbo, Jon
1992 Employee Relations: An International Journal
doi: 10.1108/01425459210017630
Describes some characteristics of Danish human resource managementand analyses recent trends that point towards future practices and HRMconcepts. Presents a theoretical framework in which the HRM of the 1990scan be understood, based on empirical research in a number of Danishcompanies from 1989 to 1991. Concludes that Danish firms are graduallychanging their HRM outlook, from one dominated by the fascination of newtechnologies combined with a traditional costconscious economicstrategy to a new technohuman paradigm of HRM and work organization.Outlines a number of challenges that HRM specialists will face in the1990s, within the framework of a new technohuman paradigm.
Human Resource Management in a Unified GermanyWchter, Harmut; Stengelhofen, Theo
1992 Employee Relations: An International Journal
doi: 10.1108/01425459210017649
From a comparative viewpoint, German personnel management can beseen as a configuration shaped by a specific form ofcorporatism, worker participation, and the educationalsystem particularly the apprenticeship tradition. Although challengesfrom new technology and internationalization have prompted new conceptsand negotiation patterns, the approach to personnel management inGermany has not changed drastically. This is reflected in a reluctanceto accept, or translate, the label of human resourcemanagement. The historically unique constellation of a rapidintegration of a previously separate and potentially hostile state theGDR into the Federal Republic has brought about new strategies andprocedures of cooperation between employers, unions, and stateagencies. They also follow, however, the lines of German traditions andinstitutions.
Human Resource Management in GreecePapalexandris, Nancy
1992 Employee Relations: An International Journal
doi: 10.1108/01425459210017658
HRM in Greece is in a state of rapid development, as well asfundamental change. With the end of 1992, and the Single European Marketapproaching, larger firms are upgrading their personnel practices, andpersonnel managers currently enjoy an increasingly high status. Moresophistication is being added to recruitment and selection methodstraining is being offered to a considerable number of employeesemployee relations are improving and moving towards a stage of consensusand cooperation. Meanwhile, smaller companies, realizing the importanceof HRM, are turning to consultancy firms for advice. Efforts are alsobeing made in the public sector to introduce measures for improvingproductivity and employee morale. The overall picture appears veryfavourable for an increase in the significance of HRM in Greece and forthe strengthening of its practice.
Human Resource Management in FranceBrunstein, Ingrid
1992 Employee Relations: An International Journal
doi: 10.1108/01425459210017621
In France, no other specialist business function is sopredominantly marked by culture as HRM. In France, Cartesian patterns ofanalytical thinking, the passion for antiauthoritarian individualism,and the reduction of disorder through legislation and bureaucracyinfluence the companys sociocultural environments, in particularthrough the education system, the status of executives, and the role oftrade unionism. Emphasis is put on the concept of ubiquity in HRM it isat the intersection of all the other corporate functions and its role isshared with the line managers at the technical, relational and strategiclevel. Future perspectives, like the introduction of new technologies,may impose a new ethical dimension for HRM against the gospel ofefficiency.
Human Resource Management in The NetherlandsSorge, Arndt
1992 Employee Relations: An International Journal
doi: 10.1108/01425459210017667
Outlines briefly the history and progression of business systems inThe Netherlands. Describes how human resources are produced andcultivated, in particular through the Dutch education system, andassesses its effectiveness. Looks at the integration of human resourcesin the work organization, pinpointing particular experiments which havebeen carried out. Outlines various shifts in emphasis from the postSecond World War period in Dutch industry and human resource concepts.Concludes that the changes in industrial work organization and humanresource management are in line with traditional Dutch ideals and arebecoming increasingly effective.