
Employee Relations: An International Journal

Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Emerald Publishing
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Parttime Employees Workers Whose Time has Come

Dickens, Linda

1992 Employee Relations: An International Journal

doi: 10.1108/01425459210012662

Parttime workers a quarter of all employees in Britain are onesection of the atypical workforce singled out forattention by the EC Commission. Examines directives on atypical workersissued as part of the Social Charters Social Action Programme. Assessesthe likelihood of directives provisions being adopted. Discusses thedecisions of the European Court of Justice, which may have a profoundimpact on parttime work, whether or not the directives are adopted, andoutlines developments in employer and union policy on parttime workers.
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LitStream Collection
The Myth of PostFordist Management Work Organization and Employee Discretion in Seven Countries

Boreham, Paul

1992 Employee Relations: An International Journal

doi: 10.1108/01425459210012671

Presents data from recent research examining work organization inseven countries. Addresses the question of whether the contemporaryworkplace is characterized by management practices which might be termedpostFordist, involving an extension of employee discretion andautonomy, or whether traditional practices of direct hierarchicalcontrol are more in evidence. Data suggests that the latter practicesare more likely to prevail in all of the countries examined despiteassertions in the literature that new, more flexible work arrangementsare transforming the old methods of production. Concludes with anevaluation of the opportunities which exist for the empowerment of tradeunion members at the workplace level under these circumstances.
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LitStream Collection
Stress and Construction Site Managers Issues for Europe 1992

Davidson, Marilyn J.; Sutherland, Valerie J.

1992 Employee Relations: An International Journal

doi: 10.1108/01425459210012680

Reports research by interview and questionnaire survey designed toidentify major sources of stress among site managers, to examine theirphysical and psychological wellbeing, and to identify high risk groupsand predictors of stressor outcomes. A high level of anxiety was found,independent of grade this was predicted by role insecurity, workoverload and other extrinsic factors particularly travel. Identifieslack of management training in this industry as contributing to thesestresses. Recommends stress audits and stress management workshops.
journal article
LitStream Collection
Why Public Sector Workers Join Unions An Attitude Survey of Workers in the Health Service and Local Government

Kerr, Allan

1992 Employee Relations: An International Journal

doi: 10.1108/01425459210012699

Reports a nationwide questionnaire survey of health service andlocal government union and nonunion workers in the same workplacecarried out by NUPE to investigate what factors are influential in thechoice to join or not to join a union. Results suggest financialbenefits are not an incentive and show that stewards play a pivotal rolein recruitment.
journal article
LitStream Collection
The Determinants of Trade Union Growth in Zambia since Independence

Turner, Thomas

1992 Employee Relations: An International Journal

doi: 10.1108/01425459210012707

Explanations of union growth and decline are generally linked totrends in the business cycle which are reflected primarily in prices,wages and unemployment an example of this approach is the Bainand Elsheikh model explanations not entirely appropriate in acountry with a developing economy and oneparty state like Zambia. Findspolitical factors to be a more influential and more comprehensiveexplanation of union growth but the relationship between state and tradeunions is set to change as a result of recent political changes inZambia. Suggests effect on trade unions and membership levels will beconsiderable.
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