journal article
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Nurses in the National Health Service Reflections on Recent Industrial Unrest
Sullivan, T.; Christensen, I.; Wan, D.
1991 Employee Relations: An International Journal
doi: 10.1108/01425459110140535
The industrial unrest during January 1988 amongnurses in the UK National Health Service raisedthe matter of the attitude and behaviour of thatgroup of employees towards industrial action. Insome circles that action is regarded asunprofessional. While the causes are shown tobe complex, it is argued that they primarily involvetwo issues. First there was the threat of a fall incurrent pay levels and, secondly there was the viewtaken by those nurses that professional standardsof nursing were falling. The nature of the disputeshowed how professionalism and industrial actioncan be reconciled. This is done mainly by ademonstration rather than by a stoppage,while maintaining full cover of essential duties. Amajor aim of the action was to mobilise public andmedia opinion in favour of the nurses case.