
Employee Relations: An International Journal

Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Emerald Publishing
Scimago Journal Rank:
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LitStream Collection
Redundancy Rights Rights for Whom

Simpson, D.H.

1991 Employee Relations: An International Journal

doi: 10.1108/01425459110140373

The 1965 Redundancy Payments Act wasamended by the 1975 Employment Protection Actto give substantial rights to trade unions tochallenge managerial decisions on redundancies.These included advance warning of impendingredundancies, the right to make representationsto the employer, and to receive the employersreply. Cabinet ministers, introducing thelegislation, felt that it would generate negotiationseither to quash the redundancies or to providealternative solutions to impending job losses. Ininvestigating 74 incidences of redundancy, covering10,500 workers, it was found that these rightshave, for the most part, merely oiled the processof managerial decisions over redundancies, byenjoining trade unions to such decisions decisionson which they have no real impact. Rights for tradeunions, then, in practice translate to gains foremployers. An important caveat to this situationoccurs where an agreement on redundanciesexists, generally giving workers substantialbenefits, although there are still too many tradeunion officials and employers who do not wish tosign such agreements.
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LitStream Collection
Performancerelated Pay Pretexts and Pitfalls

Lewis, Philip

1991 Employee Relations: An International Journal

doi: 10.1108/EUM0000000001027

Performancerelated pay PRP has grown inimportance in the 1980s and is likely to continuegrowing. The reasons for this growth areexamined labour market factors, changes inorganisational objectives, fairness in paymentinitiatives, weakening of collectivisation, andfashion. Problems associated with PRP are alsoexplored. It is argued that PRP has a capacity tosubvert the purposes for which it is intended bydistorting pay structures, creating unfairness inreward systems and harming team spirit. PRP alsodetracts from the value of other performanceappraisal objectives. Some of the problemsinherent in measuring individual job performanceare also considered.
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LitStream Collection
Equal Value An Alternative Approach

Skipton, Susan M.

1991 Employee Relations: An International Journal

doi: 10.1108/01425459110139366

There are many problems with the British equalvalue legislation, mostly the result of its complaintdrivennature. Some Canadian provincesresponded to a similar legal inadequacy withstatutory pay equity an employerdrivenapproach. Most Canadian legislation covers thepublic sector Ontario law also applies to theprivate sector. All provinces require pay equitybargaining in ununionised workplaces. Indicationsare that effective pay equity bargaining is separateand cooperative, but equity maintenance may beundermined. However, the initial impact of theproactive schemes has been positive. For Britishwomen to benefit from this alternative approach,political will is crucial.
journal article
LitStream Collection
TQM and the Management of Labour

Wilkinson, Adrian; Allen, Peter; Snape, Ed

1991 Employee Relations: An International Journal

doi: 10.1108/01425459110002349

Total Quality Management TQM looks like beingone of the management fashions of the 1990s. Inthis respect the academic and prescriptiveliterature on TQM is reviewed. The factors whichhave encouraged organisations to introduce TQMare discussed and some of the implications for themanagement of labour outlined. It is suggestedthat TQM is consistent with a move towardshuman resource management.
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