Smoking Policies The Legal ImplicationsPainter, Richard W.
1990 Employee Relations: An International Journal
doi: 10.1108/01425459010141346
Recent research has suggested that thoseexposed to passive smoking may incur anincreased risk of contracting lung cancer. In thelight of such findings, many employers have facedincreasing demands from the workforce tointroduce smoking policies. The possible legalimplications are examined for those employerswho fail to introduce such policies and someguidance is offered on the extent to whichemployment law protects the interests of thoseworkers whose smoking habit makes it difficultor impossible to comply with smoking restrictions.
Behavioural Analysis of Grievances Episodes, Actions and OutcomesBouwen, Ren; Salipante, Paul F.
1990 Employee Relations: An International Journal
doi: 10.1108/01425459010135695
By focusing on grievants formulation of theirgrievances, behavioural analysis can further ourunderstanding of grievants actions and theirassessment of grievance outcomes. Building onconcepts reported in the preceding issue of thisjournal and examining the grievance reports ofover 200 Belgian and American employees, amultiepisodic model of grievance formulation,actions, outcomes and reformulation is developedand examined. Persistence in pursuing a grievancethrough several episodes, while risky for thegrievant, was positively related to the grievantssatisfaction with outcomes. This effect is explainedby increased opportunities for reformulation,including learning which action strategies are mostlikely to lead to success. Successful actionstrategies differed between Belgian and UScontexts, in ways consistent with their structuraland institutional characteristics. Implications forresearchers and third party intervenors includethe need to manage grievances in a manner thatfavourably influences grievants beliefs about theorganisation.