Managing Employee Assistance ProgrammesSchmidenberg, Olive C.; Cordery, John L.
1990 Employee Relations: An International Journal
doi: 10.1108/EUM0000000001020
An indepth, qualitative study of managers andaccountants in a large Australian metropolitanbanking organisation investigated the problemsexperienced by those responsible for theimplementation of their organisations EmployeeAssistance Programme EAP guidelines. Twomajor elements were found to work against theEAPs comfortable integration, and hence itsutilisation, in the organisation. These related tothe supervisors role in the diagnosis of alcoholrelatedpoor performance and the earlyintervention objective of the EAP. Findings arediscussed in relation to their implications forsuccessful implementation of EAPs, notably theneed for the tailoring of EAP guidelines to makethem compatible with existing organisationalsystems e.g. formal and informal performanceappraisal procedures as well as with managerialpractices normal to the organisations culture.
Parties and Factions in Trade UnionsBlackwell, Richard
1990 Employee Relations: An International Journal
doi: 10.1108/01425459010135479
Political change in the Bakers, Food and AlliedWorkers Union during 196080 is examined andthe role of parties legitimate and permanentgroups and factions nonlegitimate andtransient groups in unions is discussed. Whetherthe presence of specifically party competitionmay be used to distinguish democratic unions fromnondemocratic ones is questioned, demonstratingthat factions may attain legitimacy, supposedly thekey distinguishing attribute of parties. Secondly,it is argued that electoral outcomes and groupfortunes may be crucially affected by autonomousshifts in membership goals rather than determinedby the relative organising ability of elite groupleaders as is usually assumed. The spread ofcompulsory secret ballots may stimulate greaterefforts to influence elections but also engenderless stable groupings. Finally, no necessaryconnection is detected between the citizen asvoter and the trade unionist as voter.