
Employee Relations: An International Journal

Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Emerald Publishing
Scimago Journal Rank:
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Macho Managers and the New Industrial Relations

Purcell, John

1982 Employee Relations: An International Journal

doi: 10.1108/eb054985

A new breed of tough managers, almost contemptuous of unions and negotiating procedures, seems to have emerged. Macho Management one British Leyland shop steward called it at the time of the strike, referring to plant management's rediscovery of the management prerogative. The spirit is almost of the divine right of managers to manage, to broach no argument and get on with the job of directing, controlling and enforcing order over a demoralised workforce.
journal article
LitStream Collection
How do Shop Stewards Learn their Job

Robertson, Don; Schuller, Tom

1982 Employee Relations: An International Journal

doi: 10.1108/eb054986

Learning to represent people, as shop stewards do, is a complex affair. It is especially so for stewards, as their functions vary widely, both according to rule books and in practice. As Goodman and Whittingham observed Few training officers operate without detailed job descriptions, yet that of a steward is particularly difficult to define. They are important communicators but also decisionmakers. Stewards develop and apply to the job attitudes and skills derived formally or informally from a variety of sources, and one such source is the training provision laid on by the TUC and by individual unions.
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LitStream Collection
Participation An Organizational Bandaid

Dickson, John

1982 Employee Relations: An International Journal

doi: 10.1108/eb054987

There is no subject so controversial and problematic as participation. It strikes at the very heart of a manager's style and at the very nature of an employee's job. Participation forces a manager to uncomfortable introspection about desires for control and alternatively openness to the influence of others. There is simultaneously the desire to help others and the desire to retain authority over them.
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LitStream Collection
Bargaining Structures in MultiPlant Companies

Kinnie, Nicholas

1982 Employee Relations: An International Journal

doi: 10.1108/eb054988

Senior managers in multiplant companies are faced by a dilemma how can they control Industrial Relations centrally, but at the same time allow scope for flexibility One way of solving this problem is to permit negotiations to take place in the plants, but to regulate this bargaining in some way from a central Personnel department. Why do companies feel obliged to intervene in the affairs of plants in this way How is this intervention carried out in practice Is it, for example, through agreements common to all plants, or through loosely worded guidelines from company level
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