Centralized systems for motor vehicles1950 Industrial Lubrication and Tribology
doi: 10.1108/eb052062
In our February issue, we described the only system of Centralized Chassis lubrication that we knew to be available to manufacturers of private motor cars. A letter published in our April issue from the Chief Designer of the Car Division of The Bristol Aeroplane Company reminded us that there was at least one more successful system. He stated that the Enots OneShot system manufactured by Benton & Stone Limited, Aston Brook Street, Birmingham, England, had always been incorporated on the Bristol 2litre car and had proved most effective in service.
ENGINE DESIGN affects LUBRICATION1950 Industrial Lubrication and Tribology
doi: 10.1108/eb052063
There is a tendency on the part of some engine operators to expect modern lubricating oils to solve all their maintenance difficulties. They frequently forget that badly designed engines are often the root of troubles thought to be caused by faulty lubrication. These points were emphasised in a paper presented recently to a Lubrication Group Session during the Annual Meeting of the American Petroleum Institute at Chicago, by A. T. Colwell and A. L. Pomeroy, of Thompson Products Inc.