journal articleLitStream CollectionDer gute Weg des Handelns: Versuch einer Ethik für die heutige Zeit by Iso Kern (review)2022 Philosophy East and Westdoi: 10.1353/pew.2022.0033
journal articleLitStream CollectionFrançois Jullien’s Unexceptional Thought: A Critical Introduction by Arne De Boever (review)2022 Philosophy East and Westdoi: 10.1353/pew.2022.0036
journal articleLitStream CollectionDaoism and Environmental Philosophy: Nourishing Life by Eric S. Nelson (review)2022 Philosophy East and Westdoi: 10.1353/pew.2022.0038
journal articleLitStream CollectionThe Ethics of Oneness: Emerson, Whitman, and the Bhagavad Gita by Jeremy Engels (review)2022 Philosophy East and Westdoi: 10.1353/pew.2022.0039
journal articleLitStream CollectionConfucian Concord: Reform, Utopia and Global Teleology in Kang Youwei's Datong Shu by Federico Brusadelli (review)2022 Philosophy East and Westdoi: 10.1353/pew.2022.0034
journal articleLitStream CollectionHistory of Chinese Philosophy Through its Key Terms ed. by Yueqing Wang, Qinggang Bao, and Guoxing Guan (review)2022 Philosophy East and Westdoi: 10.1353/pew.2022.0040
journal articleLitStream CollectionChinese Émigré Intellectuals and Their Quest for Liberal Values in the Cold War, 1949–69 by Kenneth Kai-chung Yung (review)2022 Philosophy East and Westdoi: 10.1353/pew.2022.0037
journal articleLitStream CollectionIlluminating the Mind: An Introduction to Buddhist Epistemology by Jonathan Stoltz (review)2022 Philosophy East and Westdoi: 10.1353/pew.2022.0035
journal articleLitStream CollectionAn Account and Analysis of Metempsychosis in the Views of Āzar Kayvān as a Commentator on Illuminationist Philosophy2022 Philosophy East and Westdoi: 10.1353/pew.2022.0042
journal articleLitStream CollectionBhāviveka’s Inclusivism: Discriminating the Feces, Jewels, and Fake Jewels of the Veda2022 Philosophy East and Westdoi: 10.1353/pew.2022.0043