
Library Review

Emerald Publishing
Scimago Journal Rank:
journal article
LitStream Collection
Libraries and the electronic information marketplace

Jennifer Rowley

1996 Library Review

doi: 10.1108/00242539610128872

What is and will be the role of libraries in the Internet age? Examines the nature of the electronic information marketplace with a view to the identification of some of the factors that will shape that marketplace and the role of libraries in the marketplace. Considers first the nature of electronic information as a product, product segments and the stakeholders in the marketplace. Pricing strategies and distribution also have a role to play. The virtual library is one scenario for the future, but it fails to acknowledge the complexities of today’s developmental information society. Libraries in 1996 are already engaged in a wide range of different projects that exploit the latest communications technologies. The development of the marketplace will be constrained by issues associated with information rich, information poor, intellectual property and copyright, security and data protection, standards, and archiving and bibliographical control. The only thing that is certain is that there are no answers. Each library system needs to capitalize on its relationship with its existing customers as a base for developing its future potential.
journal article
LitStream Collection
Filling the gap: recent branch library development in Bradford

John Denton

1996 Library Review

doi: 10.1108/00242539610128881

Outlines the background to the development of three branch libraries opened by Bradford Metropolitan Council in 1995. Explains how each of the libraries serves three very different communities and how the need for each of the libraries arose. Discusses the difficulties of starting each of the projects, some of which took several years to resolve. Includes some details of the main building problems encountered and how they were eventually overcome. Describes some elements of library design including disabled access, floor size and layout as well as security implications.
journal article
LitStream Collection
Staffing structures in the public library system in Kenya: a case for a new approach

Cephas Odini

1996 Library Review

doi: 10.1108/00242539610128890

Outlines the structure of Kenya’s public library system and discusses its many short‐comings. Makes a case for a change to the team librarianship principle of staffing. Outlines the advantages to be gained from this approach, mainly in terms of staff morale and job satisfaction. Indicates the necessary planning and infrastructure for such an approach.
journal article
LitStream Collection
The impact of CD‐ROM on reference service

Mary Boye

1996 Library Review

doi: 10.1108/00242539610128908

Assesses the impact of CD‐ROM on reference information services in Ghanaian libraries via the results of a questionnaire which was sent to ten relevant libraries. The results reveal to what end CD‐ROM is being used, to what extent and to what advantage and disadvantage. Observes that although CD‐ROM appears to be beneficial to reference services, it is also highlighting various problems in information services in general. Also notes the problem of limited user access to CD‐ROM facilities owing to over‐protectiveness and lack of staff training.
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