Information Legislation in an African NationOcholla, Dennis N.
1991 Library Review
doi: 10.1108/00242539110141025
The status and development of information legislation in Kenya isdiscussed, with particular focus on legislation affecting informationflow in libraries and information centres. The purpose of informationlegislation is outlined. The importance of information legislation indeveloping countries is considered in relation to its role in guiding,regulating and controlling the use of information and informationresources within a society whether or not there is a nationalinformation policy.
Services to an Educational Research Network in TanzaniaPuja, Grace K.
1991 Library Review
doi: 10.1108/EUM0000000001479
The services that a university library, such as that of theUniversity of Dar es Salaam can offer to an educational research networkin East Africa are discussed. The background to an educational researchnetwork is outlined and services currently offered by the libraryrelevant to this network are explained. The development of furtherservices specifically for the educational research network in Tanzaniais also discussed.
Library Use by Final Year Undergraduates under Stringent ConditionsAziagba, Philip C.
1991 Library Review
doi: 10.1108/00242539110143401
The problems caused by underfunding of library services inNigerian institutions of higher education are outlined. A survey isreported of undergraduates experiences in searching for information.The range of other sources used by students for information due to theirinability to find necessary materials in the library is indicated. Alsosurveyed is how useful the available information has been toundergraduates. The effect of lack of finance on research efforts,particularly interlibrary loans, is also reported.
Research and Publication Requirements in Nigerian University LibrariesOgunrombi, S.A.
1991 Library Review
doi: 10.1108/00242539110141070
A questionnaire survey of Nigerian university libraries wasconducted to determine the significance of research and publication forpromotion. Of the 20 responding libraries, almost all 16 or 80 percent accorded their professional librarians faculty status and theenjoyment of the rights, privileges and responsibilities accruing to theteaching academic staff. Only 11 libraries 55 per cent indicated thatboth subject field publication and publications in libraryinformationscience are rated equally. Of these, four confirmed that the question ofthe rating of subject publications had been an issue. It is recommendedthat both the Nigerian Library Association and the Committee ofUniversity Librarians should come up with a national policy onpublication requirements for college and university libraries.
Administrative Problems Affecting Newspaper Collection Management in Nigerian LibrariesOkorafor, E.E.
1991 Library Review
doi: 10.1108/00242539110141115
The following problems affecting newspaper collection management inNigerian libraries are identified and discussed publishing anddistribution misconception of the role of libraries ineffectiveness ofthe Nigerian Library Association position of libraries in their parentinstitutions laymens control over libraries position of newspapers inlibraries absence of newspaper departments inadequate staffingselection criteria inadequate powers of librarians inadequatepreservation and storage facilities neglect by library schoolsineffective bibliographic control and absence of a professional body.