journal article
LitStream Collection
Preliminary Observations of Nontraditional University Students Library Skills.
Garcha, Rajinder; Gatten, Jeffrey N.
1990 Library Review
doi: 10.1108/00242539010138372
A study was undertaken to compare library skills and attitudes oftraditional and nontraditional students entering Kent State Universityduring the Spring semester of 1989. It was discovered thatnontraditional students present a challenge to library instruction dueto a lack of familiarity with and commitment to the academic routine,and a lack of library experience overall. Freshmen students wereadministered a questionnaire prior to receiving any formal libraryinstruction. Chisquare tests were used to test significant differencesbetween the two groups regarding the variables of library skills andlibrary attitudes. Because of the sample size, the study was limited.However, some observations were made that merit further study and mayhave implications for library instruction programmes which will bedesigned to address the growing population of nontraditional collegestudents in the 1990s.