
Library Review

Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Emerald Publishing
Scimago Journal Rank:
journal article
LitStream Collection
The Birds of Academe

Sherman, John; Nugent, Robert S.

1967 Library Review

doi: 10.1108/eb012469

NEARLY TWO DECADES OF LABOUR in what used to be called the groves of academe affords one a familiarity with the denizens of those misty woodlands. One remembers well the groves of yesteryear. Perhaps, because of the general twentiethcentury lack of conservation, time has not passed lightly over the stretches of hoary deciduous and coniferous perennials in this historic arboretum.
journal article
LitStream Collection
The AngloAmerican Cataloging Rules, 1967

Tait, James A.

1967 Library Review

doi: 10.1108/eb012470

FOR CATALOGUERS, and librarians generally, 1967 will prove to be a vintage year, the annus mirabilis for the cataloguer, with the publication in January of the American text of the new AngloAmerican Code. The British text is expected to be published in November. The availability in this country of the American text gives some little time for a preview of the British version. The profession has had ample warning the new code has had a long gestation period. For the Americans, especially, it is the culmination of many years of effort, from their preliminary second edition of the 1908 code in 1941, through the second edition of 1949, the Library of Congress Rules for Descriptive Cataloging of the same year, the Lubetzky Report of 1953, the Draft Code of 1960, to the Paris Principles of 1961. The present code owes very much to its predecessors, particularly the Paris Principles, which were in effect a set of guidelines agreed on internationally to ensure broad international consistency between any future national codes without spelling out the detailed rules. Except for one or two instances the new code follows the Paris Principles closely.
journal article
LitStream Collection
A Common Market of Ideas

Fussell, G.E.

1967 Library Review

doi: 10.1108/eb012471

FAR BE IT FROM ME to lay any claim to originality. All I can hope to do is to say in my own words what has often enough been said before. Can anyone do more It is common form to admit that in the fairy tale time of long ago knowledge was shared throughout the known world. It was not hedged in by security and electric fencing. The common market of ideas was not even affected by the continuous wars. It flourished despite the soldiers.
journal article
LitStream Collection
Author Bibliographies

Day, A.E.

1967 Library Review

doi: 10.1108/eb012472

MORE AND MORE LIBRARIANS will now have to consider subjects for either a thesis or a bibliography to be submitted to the Library Association for a fellowship. These notes are intended to encourage those who might have some interest in contemporary English literature to compile a bibliography of a twentiethcentury author.
journal article
LitStream Collection
Books for the Boys

Finch, Robert

1967 Library Review

doi: 10.1108/eb012473

OH, AND PERHAPS YOU'LL KEEP AN EYE on the House Library. They'll read all sorts of rubbish if you're not careful. I gathered that this was thought to be one of my lesser duties as the new House Tutor, and not to be compared with my responsibility as Keeper of the Pocket Money or Scrutineer of the Games Book.
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