
Library Review

Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Emerald Publishing
Scimago Journal Rank:
journal article
LitStream Collection
Libraries and the Individual


1937 Library Review

doi: 10.1108/eb012033

LIBRARIANSHIP has its own laws of supply and demand and we cannot afford to ignore them. Firstly, granted adequate publicity, libraries will, in the long run, attract those for whom they cater. Secondly, those for whom they do not cater will stay away. How obvious they sound Yet it is certain that many of us, and many of the authorities upon whom we depend for funds, have failed to appreciate their blatant simplicity. In most communities there are sections of the public we would very much like to serve, yet do we always seriously and sufficiently set out to serve them
journal article
LitStream Collection
First and Latest Impressions


1937 Library Review

doi: 10.1108/eb012034

ACCORDING to the bestinformed, there is coming a time when we will all quite literally outsoar the shadow of our night, to descend, each of us, as a spent rocketOut, out, brief candlein an adjacent parish. Yet the human spirit is tough enough to plan its own perfections, even in face of the swifter preparations for the airraid. While aviators pay Daedalus a fitting veneration, hopeful humanity need not forget the fate of Icarus.
journal article
LitStream Collection
Our Commercialised Press


1937 Library Review

doi: 10.1108/eb012035

COMMERCIALISM is easy to abuse, hard to define. It may be called carrying commercial practice too far, but the question then arises How far may one carry it Also the doubt suggests itself Can all articles sold and bought be lumped together as subjects for the application of purely commercial principles
journal article
LitStream Collection
Andrew Lang


1937 Library Review

doi: 10.1108/eb012036

I SAW him only onceand that was in Edinburgh, thirtyseven years ago. He had just arrived as I heard later from one who knew him, and to whom I announced with youthful joy my glimpse of him from St. Andrews, had been examining the bookshops, bookdips, in the neighbourhood of the University and, with an armful of volumes, was returning from the auld toon to the new one on his way to Mackay and Chisholm's in Princes Street to buy an opal ring.
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