Food Choice in a Retail EnvironmentBeharrell, Brian; Denison, Tim
1991 British Food Journal
doi: 10.1108/EUM0000000002353
The area of food retailing and consumers product preferences isfocused on. Valuations in product and price attributes across productcategories are investigated. A conceptual framework is developed foranalysing food choice situations product categories and productattributes are identified and measured the importance of productattributes and the implications for retailers marketing mix strategiesare assessed. The main conclusion drawn is that for each productcategory studied preserves, bakery products, cereals, dairy products,soups, toiletries, fresh meats customers were looking for differentgroups of attributes, and different priorities were attached toattributes across product categories.
Should Britain Have a National Food PolicyDarrall, J.M.
1991 British Food Journal
doi: 10.1108/EUM0000000002354
The need for, and objectives of, a food policy and Ministry of Foodare considered by reference to research investigating the views of thefood chain, and the relevant literature. It is suggested that over halfof the food chain would welcome a food policy and Ministry of Food, thereasons for these views and the possible effects of these suggestionsbeing discussed. A number of contradictions in Government policyrelating to food are considered. Even if the need for a foodpolicyMinistry of Food is agreed, their objectives and roles need to beclearly established, and this could be a major stumblingblock to theirimplementation. These conclusions are based on research involving 683farmers, companies and retailers in the food chain.