CORROSION COMMENTARY1954 Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
doi: 10.1108/eb018918
ANGLOBELGIAN CONFERENCE. The Corrosion Group of the Society of Chemical Industry is holding a joint conference with the A.B.E.M. Association Beige pour L'Etude, L'Essai et L'Emploi des Materiaux in Brussels from June 14. Both fundamental and practical aspects of corrosion will be considered in the papers to be presented by British and Belgian experts. Subjects to be dealt with include the dry oxidation of iron, formation of phosphate coatings on steel, mechanism of anodic inhibitors, inhibition by paints, protective coatings, metal coatings and immersed paint films on metal.
1954 Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
doi: 10.1108/eb018919
The application of cathodic protection to buried, submerged or immersed metals has become of increasing importance during the last three decades to civil, structural, mechanical, marine and chemical engineers. Although, at the moment, it has only a limited application for the protection of chemical plant, the method may become more important in this field in the future. The principles of cathodic protection, its applications, advantages and limitations and some of its present uses in protecting chemical plant are considered in the following article.
Broadening Field of Corrosion Research1954 Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
doi: 10.1108/eb018920
The remarkably wide field of current corrosion research in the United States was strikingly shown at the recent annual meeting of the National Association of Corrosion Engineers in Chicago. Over 40 papers were given on such topics as corrosion principles, underground corrosion, protective coatings, cathodic protection, resistant metals, plastics, plant, etc. Symposia were arranged on such subjects as pipeline coatings, corrosion by water, the refinery industry, elevated temperature corrosion, oil and gas production, and protective coatings. Here are summaries of the papers presented.
CORROSION PATENTS1954 Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
doi: 10.1108/eb018921
Corrosion inhibition in packaging. Metal surfaces are exposed to an atmosphere containing boric acide.g. borax coated on or absorbed in a solid inert carrier which may be the packaging or wrapping material, to the extent, say, of 0.01 g. to 15 g. of borax per sq. ft.Brit. Pat. 693,602, Bataafsche Petroleum Maat.
PVC and Polythene for CorrosionResistant Plant and EquipmentEvans, V.
1954 Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
doi: 10.1108/eb018922
Because of their corrosion resistance, the ease with which they can be worked and their ready availability, PVC and polythene are now widely used in the construction of plant and equipment ranging from beakers and valves to large gaswashing plants. Here the author discusses first the limitations of these materials and then describes how they are applied to fabricated structures and equipment, linings, coatings and cements. Brief mention is made of other modern plastics. This article is substantially the paper which the author gave at a symposium on the fabrication of PVC and polythene at the College of Technology, Birmingham, on April 8.
Research Laboratories Tackle Corrosion Problems1954 Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
doi: 10.1108/eb018923
Solutions to the many corrosion problems of industry are being sought in the laboratories of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research and its affiliated research associations. These investigations range from the fundamental work at the Chemical Research Laboratory to studies on the special problems of industry, such as the protection of coil springs against corrosion. Here is a summary of results achieved and future plans as recorded in the 195253 report of the D.S.I.R. which appeared recently.